How can a robot help?



What is this about?

This toolbox is about exploring purposes and areas in which robots can help us - and in which they cannot. In the discussion with the materials and didactic offers, children gain an insight into different areas of application of robots. By talking about the intended use and the result of the help, children can decide whether the robot is reliably doing a good job. In addition, they have the opportunity to identify side effects and make suggestions for improvement. In this way, the view of a robot changes: a mere existing object becomes an object to be designed. These activities and conversations will raise awareness of the technology and how to deal with it critically.

Children‘s point of view

What is help?
Where do people around the world need help?
What does a robot need technically to help?
How does a robot need to be programmed to help?

Questions from children

How can I help? How can other people help? How can robots help?
Can robots also do sports/homework/dishes for me?
What tasks or problems can a robot not solve?
Are robots only made for a specific purpose?
What happens when you use a robot vacuum cleaner to mow the lawn?

What we know

Applicationfields of robots and AI controlled technologies 

They can enter collapsed buildings and map them, fly over fires or measure radioactive radiation and thus sound out the potential danger for the rescue forces on site. Even the cleaning up of certain - for example contaminated - areas is conceivable with semi-automated robotic vehicles. The area of application is sometimes only of very specific use or of general social value.

Autonomous driving
Principle of autonomous driving Source Adobe Stock | Scharfsinn86





Pedagogical professionals

Technical competences
 Knowledge about voice-controlles digital assistants, automated vehicles and facial recognition
Didactic competences
 Reflecting on different pedagogical methods in the context of promoting knowledge about robots and AI
Metacognitive competences
 Reflecting own reservations and inner conflicts about seeking help for yourself and dealing with people needing help


Technical competences
 Understanding the different forms of technological assistance to humans
Technical and design competences
 Understanding that robots are designed for specific human needs
Informational competences
 Discussing what a robot should NOT be able to do
Metacognitive competences
 Learning to become a critical user of technology


#10 Assisting robots


iPad or camera


  • Send the children on a discovery in which they have to find situations where a robot could help. 
  • They can document the situations with help of photos or videos. 
  • As a second step let the kids discuss how a robot could help in the situation.
  • Example for a comic story where a robot device could help. 


  1. As an alternative the children could play the scenes as a small theater or draw a little comic. 
  2. Do the exercise in reverse and describe for already existing robots in which situations they help. 


Robots are always developed for a special purpose. To play the role of a developer the first step is to identify situations in which robots could be helpful.

#10 Crazy Inventions


  • The children shall develop imagine a machine to sort toys in the kindergarden (for example a machine to sort LEGO). 
  • How would this machine look like? 
  • Which parts are needed? 
  • Don’t look for realistic answers and imagine all kind of futuristic or crazy solutions. 
  • Create a carton prototype of it or a big picture or poster about it!


All robot inventions start with an idea. Feel the process of development!The children should reflect on other technological inventions. 

  • Can they imagine a world without smartphone? 
  • How was the idea of a smartphone created?

#10 Visit a local center for robot development


Visit a local center for robot development with your class. This can be for example a local Makerspace, RepairCafé, FabLab, University, company, media centers etc. 

Book a tour and ask if they can show you their work in a interactive way. 


Invite a local robot development institution to your kindergarten.


  • Get to know how people develop robots and reflect with the kids about their experience.
  • What can be limits for inventions?
  • What is important to know as a developer?

About this Toolbox

The project „I‘m not a robot: working with artificial intelligence in early childhood education“ is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

Toolbox #10 was created in 2022 by Susanne Schumacher, Ulrike Stadler-Altmann, Susan Richter

Erasmus+ LogoThe project "I'm not a Robot: working with artificial intelligence in early childhood education" is co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. The European Commission´s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflect views only of the authors. The commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

CC Lizenz This work is licensed under: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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